2023 Canadian Community Newspaper Awards

Premier Awards - Best Spot News Photo Coverage ( Circulation 10000 to 12499,Circulation 12500 to 17499,Circulation 17500 and over) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Canadian Champion (Milton, ON)
    Entry Title: Milton rock climbing incident leaves woman with serious injuries
    Entry Credit: Graham Paine
    Judge Comment: A memorable photo where the photographer places the viewer at the centre of the emotion and the action. Great access to the scene.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Hill Times (Ottawa, ON)
    Entry Title: 'Freedom Convoy'
    Entry Credit: Andrew Meade
    Judge Comment: A gripping story of community interest is illustrated by this dramatic shot of extremes; police calmly doing their job and the passion of the protester.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Beaver (Oakville, ON)
    Entry Title: Car going wrong way on busy Oakville street hits and injures 2 cyclists
    Entry Credit: Graham Paine
    Judge Comment: Three bicycles and one rider tells the story of two fallen cyclists in this tragic tale. Great instinct by the photographer to create a memorable shot with little action available.
  • Competition Comment: The privilege of being a news photographer means gaining access to significant situations of community interest. The challenge is to portray those opportunities in a manner that stands out from those of the person with a cellphone camera who happens upon the same scene.