2024 Canadian Community Newspaper Awards

Premier Awards - Outstanding Community Service ( Circulation up to 1499,Circulation 1500 to 3999,Circulation 4000 to 6499,Circulation 6500 to 9999,Circulation 10000 to 12499,Circulation 12500 to 17499,Circulation 17500 and over) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Victoria News (Victoria, BC)
    Entry Title: Mental Health Overdose Prevention Resource Guide 2023
    Entry Credit: Randi Page , Limara Yakemchuk, Samantha Duerksen
    Judge Comment: This entry is what community service by a newspaper is all about. The paper took a burning community issue and made a real impact. They used all the tools of the newspaper - editorial, photos, promotional material etc., to great effect but they also went beyond that that an produced a guide that is of real benefit to the community. What was also impressive was the engagement with so many partners in the community to not only guide the project but to make it a success.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Lake Report (Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON)
    Entry Title: Celebrating the women of NOTL
    Entry Credit: The Lake Report
    Judge Comment: This was an outstanding example of how a local newspaper can engage with its community. It showed the power of the paper in getting such great turnout by women in the community and celebrated their achievements so well. Great use of photos and editorial as well as advertising. It is great to see a newspaper go beyond its pages to really engage the community.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Citizen (Blyth/Brussels, ON)
    Entry Title: Citizen of the Year Awards
    Entry Credit: Shawn Loughlin
    Judge Comment: This is a great example of the newspaper showing its importance and relevance to the community and also engaging the citizens in the exercise. A great example of the paper taking the idea beyond its pages and having an event for the winners.
  • Competition Comment: This category had no weak entries and showed the remarkable community service that newspapers provide to their local communities day and and day out across the country. What set the winning entries apart was that they went well beyond their own pages and really reached out and engaged the community in the project and that community participation and input made the difference and perhaps had the added benefit of engaging community members who might now be regular readers. All the entries showed a great use of all the tools of the papers with strong editorial, great photos and for many of them events.